Jigar M. Patel
International Tax Attorney
Donations to approved Funds & Institutions
Section 80G of the Income-tax Act provides for deduction out of gross total income in respect of donations to approved Funds and Charitable Institutions. The benefit of this deduction and consequential tax saving is available to any taxpayer viz. individual, HUF, company, firm, etc.. Even NRIs are eligible for deduction under Section 80G, as long as they made a donation to eligible institution. It needs to be borne in mind that the eligible donation for this purpose should be in the form of money and not in kind (food, medicines, clothes, other goods etc.)
No Deduction for Cash Donations exceeding Rs. 2,000
With a view to curtail the use of cash for the above purposes and to bring more transparency with respect to donations, Section 80G specifies that any payment exceeding a sum of Rs. 2,000, shall be allowed as a deduction, only if such sum is paid by any mode other than cash.
Amount of Deduction
Deduction under Section 80G can be claimed on the amount donated to eligible funds or charitable institutions, up to a maximum of 50% or 100% of the donated amount, depending on where the donation has been made. It is therefore, important to check whether the institution or fund to which the donation has been made is eligible for deduction under Section 80G. Filing of income-tax return is mandatory for a taxpayer who wishes to claim a deduction for the donation.
Let us understand how the eligible amount of deduction u/s. 80G is computed. To illustrate, your net taxable income for FY 2024-25 is Rs. 10 lakhs and your donation to an organization for which the eligible deduction limit is 50% is Rs. 1.5 lakhs. It needs to be borne in mind that the eligible deduction is to be computed with reference to the qualifying amount of donation under Section 80G, which has been prescribed at 10% of the net taxable income or the actual amount of donation, whichever is lower. The qualifying amount in the above case would be Rs. 1 lakh (10% of Rs. 10 lakhs) and the deduction at 50% under Section 80G would work out to Rs. 50,000.
Proof of Payment in support of Claim for Deduction
Earlier, taxpayers could claim deduction under Section 80G on the basis of the donation receipts given by the approved funds or institutions, by submitting the same as a proof of payment.
However, with effect from Assessment Year 2022-23, it has been made mandatory for the fund or charitable institution to annually submit Form 10BD sharing details of the donors with their donation amounts and PAN. On the basis of the same, a certificate of donation in Form 10BE is generated and the concerned taxpayer would need to rely on the same in support of his claim for deduction u/s. 80G. Donors should ensure that Form 10BE reflecting correct details is generated in their case before their ITR is filed.
The Rider of Old vs. New
Taxpayers availing the benefit of lower tax rates under the New Tax Regime are required to sacrifice the benefits of deductions under the Income-tax Act, which would also include Section 80G. Therefore, only taxpayers opting for the old tax regime or entities like partnership firms or LLPs (where old or new regimes are not applicable) can effectively enjoy the tax benefits in respect of contributions to charity.