Jigar M. Patel
International Tax Attorney
The eagerly anticipated Income Tax Bill 2025 has finally been introduced in the Parliament. Covering 536 sections, in 23 Chapters, with 16 Schedules, 57 Tables and 46 Formulae, the proposed Bill would undoubtedly need sufficient time of both professionals and taxpayers to comprehend and digest the new provisions.
Scare and Concern amongst NRIs
Over the past few days, some news that have been doing the rounds have created scare and concern amongst the Non-Resident Indian (NRI) community. In fact, AM Tax Clues has received anxious queries from several readers in regard to apprehensions created on account of rumours that have flooded the news and social media concerning changes in NRI taxation under the new Income-tax Bill.
New Bill proposes No Change in the Residency Criteria
The major news bomb that has shocked global Indian Diaspora is the report doing the rounds that under the new Income tax Bill, if an NRI earns more than Rs. 15 lakhs in India during the financial year, he would be deemed to be an Indian tax resident, attracting tax on his global income.
This news is false and completely baseless! It needs to be noted that under the proposed Bill, there is no change in the prevailing rules determining the residential status and the tax impact on income of non-residents. NRIs can rest assured that they have nothing to worry on this count.
The proposed Bill continues with the present test of 182 days or more in regard to the physical stay of an individual in India for primarily determining his residential status. The other provision curtailing the 182 days stay criteria to 120 days in a financial year, in case of an NRI earning more Rs. 15 lakhs Indian income and thereby treating him as ‘a not ordinarily resident’ has also been continued.
What has possibly triggered the Scare?
The current provision aimed at curbing mischief played by ‘floating residents’, who do not enjoy tax residency of any other country and thus attempt to even escape Indian taxation has been proposed to be continued in the same shape and form, with the criteria of Indian income of more than Rs. 15 lakhs. It appears that the aforesaid news scare has its genesis in the misreading and mischievous interpretation of this continuing anti-avoidance provision, as being a new amendment of ‘deemed residency’ introduced by the proposed Bill.
Fake News on Remittances by NRIs that has caused Panic
Another big piece of fake news, that has gone viral on the social media, is that under new regulations of Budget 2025, NRIs sending any moneys in India to their relatives or friends will be required to report to the Indian Government such remittances alongwith details of their overseas income and any lapse or misreporting would attract penalty and punishment.
Quite understandably, the aforesaid news have caused great panic and annoying concern, both among NRIs settled overseas, as also their relatives and friends in India. They need to be emphatically assured that this news are absolutely fake, false and baseless and there is no such proposal, either in Budget, 2025 or even in the new Draft Income-tax Bill.
It is high time that individuals and platforms indulging in the spread of such fake news or false and misleading information are legally held accountable for their irresponsible behaviour and actions.