Jigar M. Patel
International Tax Attorney
Bulls or Bears may have their sway…but the evergreen PPF shall always stay! Safe and sound, growing compound at 7.10% tax exempt interest per annum and with the investment enjoying a straight deduction from taxable income, the Public Provident Fund (PPF) continues to rank as a star investment, popular with almost all classes of taxpayers.
See how the PPF Magic works?
7.10% Interest on PPF is what everyone calculates, when thinking of return on investment. However, keeping in view the twin benefits of total tax exemption granted to PPF interest under Section 10(11) of the Income-tax Act and availability of full deduction under Section 80C of Rs.1,50,000 invested in the PPF Account, the effective earning on investment after considering the tax savings on the above counts can work out to as high as 15% in cases of taxpayers in the top tax bracket of 31.20%.
Case Study: Bhatt’s income attracts the top tax bracket of 31.20%. He earns interest of Rs.10,650 at 7.10% on his PPF investment of Rs.1,50,000. However, considering the fact that he does not have to pay any income-tax on the same, the equivalent pre-tax return would amount to Rs.15,480. This is on the basis that if Bhatt had earned Rs.15,480 at 10.32% on Rs.1,50,000, after paying tax at 31.20%, he would have retained Rs.10,650.
However, the PPF thrill doesn’t end here. The interest of Rs.10,650 earned by Bhatt should be evaluated on his effective investment in PPF, which is not Rs.1,50,000, but after considering the tax saving of Rs.46,800 on account of deduction under Section 80C (31.2% of Rs. 1,50,000), the same actually works out to only Rs.1,03,200 (Rs.1,50,000 – Rs.46,800).
Now, let us compute what Rs.15,480 (pre-tax return on PPF) translates in terms of return on the effective investment of Rs.1,03,200 as explained hereinabove. That actually works out to 15% on your calculator. Amazing, but true!
PPF – an Evergreen Investment!
As per Rule 9(3) of the PPF Scheme, a PPF account is required to be initially maintained for a period of 15 years from the end of the year in which the initial subscription is made. The subscriber can then choose to close his account at the expiry of 15 years and withdraw the entire balance standing to his credit.
However, Rule 9(3A) provides that on the expiry of the 15 years period, the subscriber can exercise the option of continuing the PPF account for a further block period of 5 years. Rule 9(3B) further provides that in such a case, the subscriber shall be eligible to make one withdrawal every year, subject to the condition that the total of the withdrawals during the 5-year block shall not exceed 60% of the balance at the commencement of the block period.
Note to Rule 9(3B) clarifies that a subscriber may at his option (to be exercised before the expiry of the first year of every extended block period) avail of this facility for a further block of 5 years on expiry of 20 years or on expiry of 25 years and so on, from the end of the year in which initial subscription was made. The words ‘and so on’ make it quite clear, that a PPF account can be renewed indefinitely in blocks of 5 years, with the added privilege of withdrawals as explained hereinabove.